Einstein was NOT a good student: TOTALLY FALSE. Know the real story.

Einstein was NOT a good student. Historically this premise has become very famous, however it is not true at all. Many people confuse the rebellious attitude of the famous scientist with his ability in his studies.

Einstein was NOT a good student
Knows the truth about it.

"Things were also going well for Einstein from an academic perspective. In his midterm tests of October 1898, he had topped the first of his class, with an average of 5.7 out of a major of 6. The runner-up, with a 5.6, was his friend and mathematics note-taking delegate, Marcel Grossmann."

This paragraph comes from the biography of Albert Einstein that US journalist Walter Isaacson released in 2007, titled 'Einstein. His story and his world', and reflects very clearly what a good student he was. He was about to graduate from one of the most prestigious universities on the European continent. El colegio Politécnica Federal de Zúrich, en Suiza, y era uno de los alumnos más aventajados de su clase.


An incredible student who rejected authority

From his childhood, Einstein had demonstrated the functionality to be passionate about everything that aroused his curiosity. However, he additionally regarded with disdain that which he considered anecdotal or unimportant. Even when it was imposed on him by his teachers. This character earned him popularity as a rebel. E, inclusive, de estudiante insolente, a lo largo de sus estudios en Múnich, una vez que era un joven.

At university, he gained the popularity of being a quite intelligent and intuitive student, but certain of his teachers, including Heinrich Weber, the head of the physics department. They considered him a brash pupil with a consistent predisposition to systematically reject authority. This reaction caused Einstein to stumble from time to time throughout his training. It did not, however, invalidate the great ability he possessed as a student.

The myth that he was bad at mathematics, and even that he was a bad student, is based on a misinterpretation of some of the events that have taken place throughout his academic history. Most of them occurred as an effect of his rebellious character and his refusal to accept impositions that for him lacked reason. Y sus biógrafos, entre los que se hallan Walter Isaacson y su amigo Philipp Frank, lo argumentan realmente bien.

On his behavior grade 1 was an A

Einstein has continually been one of the top students in the class. Commonly, the best of them all. Isaacson and Frank note in their biographies that at the age of less than 15 he had mastered differential and integral calculus. This leaves no doubt as to how practical he felt about mathematics. Throughout his studies in preparation for the entrance exams to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, he scored 1 in many subjects.

The entrance tests to the Federal Polytechnic College of Zurich

The first time Einstein demonstrated for the college entrance examinations he was sixteen years old. Two years younger than usual. His grades in mathematics and physics impressed Heinrich Weber. Who, as I said a few lines above, was the head of the physics department at the Federal Polytechnic College in Zurich.

The teenage Albert failed the analyses of several non-scientific subjects. However, Weber was so impressed by his academic performance that he invited him to attend his classes as a listener and suggested that he stay in Zurich for another year and sit for the entrance examinations again during the following academic year.

Einstein accepted his offer, and prepared better, albeit reluctantly, for the non-science subjects. He had more than enough ability to get good grades in each of the subjects. But at that stage, he was already showing a rather imputed little interest in anything that was not about science.

Einstein graduated from university with a grade of 4.9 (outstanding)

Throughout Einstein's years as a student at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. The educational authorities changed the grading scale to bring it into line with that used in other territories, such as Germany. Henceforth a 6 could be the highest grade, and a 1 (or a 0 if the lack of knowledge of the subject was absolute), the lowest.

Einstein's academic record was full of 6's. As I said in the first paragraph of this article, throughout his October 1898 midterms he had topped his class, with an average of 5.7. Despite his run-ins with certain teachers, his grades were outstanding. However, in order to graduate, he had to submit a research paper similar to the term papers that university students are required to write today.

Einstein and his way of Outstanding

Einstein proposed to Weber to perform an experiment with which he intended to split a lightning flash, reflect it in 2 different directions and check if an energy difference was produced depending on whether or not its direction was the same as that of the Earth's displacement through the ether. Weber rejected his initiative because other students had performed similar experiments before Einstein, and they were unsuccessful.

The second initiative that Einstein proposed to Weber was to explore the interaction between the function of various materials in conducting heat and electricity. At that time his graduate work director also rejected it. Finally, Einstein and Mileva Marić, an advantaged fellow student whom he married shortly thereafter, did a paper devoted to one of Weber's disciplines: heat conduction.

Finally, to say that it is a complete lie that Einstein was NOT a good student.


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