An interview about test anxiety leaves tips on how to combat it.

Anxiety during Exams
The worst enemy during evaluations

Worldwide, month 5 (May) is synonymous with taking exams, whether final exams or university entrance exams. Surely if you think that May is no longer that for you. We remind you of what you went through at some point and what your children may be going through now. As the month approaches, students become more and more nervous, generating a state of anxiety and stress that can cause insecurities in them. As well as influence their decision making, which can negatively influence their academic performance. Help them to combat these difficult moments or if you are going through it, allow yourself to take some tips that we will mention.

Principally, anxiety is the most present feeling during exams, it directly affects our cognitive ability. Preventing the person suffering from it to act accordingly, his concentration and memory are distorted causing a feeling of confusion that interferes and causes that "now I doubt everything".


Surviving to Test Anxiety

In the face of such a complex and unstable situation, parents do not know how to act and end up just "surviving" the exam time of their children. However, it is not the most appropriate thing to do, you can help them to overcome these moments without complicating the problem. For this, we will mention an interview that the magazine "HOLA" conducted with the director of Servicio de Psicologia Sanitaria in TherapyChat. The director warns before following the advice that "You should confirm that what you are feeling is really anxiety. Also to consider that the parents may also be part of the problem as there are some children who feel very demanding, even if the parents are not aware of their attitude. So, as a parent also evaluate if you want to help.

Symptoms for recognizing anxiety

According to the expert, not only seeing your child agitated issymptom of anxiety, so first she suggests identifying the following points:

  • Tachycardias.
  • Recurrent shortness of breath and chest tightness.
  • Excessive sweating, out of the ordinary.
  • Stomach disorder, from vomiting to lack of appetite.
  • Lack of sleep, plus loss of rest.
  • Total change in mood.
  • Frequent headaches and muscle aches
  • Constant fatigue.

These are feelings that, once you have been able to identify them, can now help you to manage solutions for that feeling of insecurity that prevents young people from having total control of themselves during these dates. It is key to know how to fight it because by accepting what happens you can work on it and improve it so that they know how to control their actions in times of urgency.

Although anxiety can be felt by anyone, according to studies, it is more likely to be felt first by females of any age, especially during exams. It is an extremely difficult stage for them, because not only are there pressures during the evaluations, but also social pressures that can cause a notorious drop in self-esteem. Of course, there are children who also feel this pressure, but it happens mostly at this time," she says."

Now, once the problem has been identified, it is time to get down to work. According to the expert, following a couple of these steps to the letter will already have a noticeable influence on your behavior during the evaluations.

Tips for managing test anxiety

  1. Rest before the exam. By getting a couple of hours of sleep, your cognitive part will be more relaxed and ready to perform, so you can be attentive during the test.
  2. Relax in the moments before. The very important point, clear your mind, if you studied and you know what to do, the best thing you can do is clear your mind to go into the exam with everything
  3. Always act in tranquility. Meditate the decisions you are going to make, pay attention to what you do, if you have prepared well you have no reason to doubt, often the key to success is in knowing how to manage the times, not only with knowledge.
  4. Always maintain positivity. Negative thoughts, believe it or not, influence as well as distract your knowledge.
  5. Avoid talking to people who are very nervous or anxious, it can influence you.
  6. Don't try to think about what you know just before entering the exam. If you acquired the knowledge, there it is, forcing yourself to learn something else beforehand may interfere with what you already have.
  7. Read the entire exam well. With caution and plenty of attention, this step is key to being able to answer correctly.
  8. Provide encouragement to yourself. Think about what you are capable of and that you can accomplish anything, that will make a huge difference when it comes to acting.

When to go to an expert for anxiety?

Isn't it better to go to an expert first? The answer clearly is yes, but you can first try to help from home, looking for solutions such as those outlined above, but if none of them work and you are left with nothing else to try, it is best to turn to someone with a broader knowledge to help emotional stability, especially when there is Test Anxiety.

The principal assures that: "Parents must know how to delegate responsibilities", this is what she says when a situation gets out of hand and starts to become serious. It's smart to look for someone who is more capable of helping a person who is having problems with their life, not just try to do it yourself because you think it's the right thing to do. Psychologists are the best at managing emotions, including test anxiety.



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