The squid game in a school (+VIRAL TikTok)

The squid game in a school. A sports teacher has recreated the famous Asian game "green light, red light" with his students.

The series The Squid Game has become one of the most internationally famous of these days, and Chile is no exception. In the comuna of Quilicura, a teacher showed he is a fan of the production by recreating it with his students.

The staging in question could be seen in a video clip posted on TikTok. In the clip, 6 kids are seen jumping towards this Physical Education teacher who is waiting for them at the back of the playground.

The initiative is for the teacher to catch his students once he turns around, thereby recreating the Green Light, Red Light game seen in the successful Netflix series. sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6953653110020900357&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0

This record was extensively talked about on social media, which is why Gabriel Monasterio, the featured teacher, made the decision to describe his choice to embed this content from the series in his class.

"I watched the series and found it entertaining. I liked the initiative of saving the children's primary games to develop primary motor skills in the younger ones, such as jumping, moving, or balance," said Monasteriounto with that, he highlighted that "it makes it possible for me to develop and maintain control of emotions such as anxiety or frustration at losing."

Students' attitude in The Squid Game in a School

As the teacher described, he wanted to change the game The Shrewd Fox in order to add the dynamics seen in The Squid Game. To his surprise, the students picked up on this even though he did not tell them.

"The kids quickly associated the game with the series, even though I didn't interact with it, because the series has a little violent content for the age of my students," he said."


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