Message from a teacher to his students 📝👉SHOCKING!

Message from the teacher to the students
Motivational words from a teacher.

Today, parents were surprised by a message from a teacher to his students. The professor sent a message explaining to the scholars and parents that even if the grades aren't what they expected, this isn't related to students' knowledge. He also mentions that parents shouldn't judge them for their grades so that they don't lose confidence.

His message to the students has gone all over social networks making it viral, and here we're going to show you what he said: "Your children's tests will shortly begin. The most problematic thing is that you all feel worried and anxious about it, i understand that, however, I desire to tell all students who will take the tests not to worry. Between you, some artists may not understand mathematics or history, there may be athletes and musicians who don't understand physics, but you are all entrepreneurs and students with dreams. To parents, I say that no matter what grade your daughter or son gets, support and give him or her confidence. It is just a test".

The projects that your children are making now are more important than the exams. Tell them that you love them and that you will always be there to support them. For my students, the important thing is to follow your dreams and what you are passionate about."

Words from the Professor Amalio Gutiérrez Álvarez. "A message from a teacher to his students".

Source: Marca.

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